Saturday, January 16, 2021

Blog on Noise Pollution

 Noise Pollution

Introduction :

What is noise pollution?Noise pollution is when unwanted sounds are created extensively throughout the world.Noise pollution can be very harmful to any living creature. According to WHO sounds greater than 70db are harmful to living organisms.

Introduction :

What is noise pollution?Noise pollution is when unwanted sounds are created extensively throughout the world.Noise pollution can be very harmful to any living creature. According to WHO sounds greater than 70db are harmful to living organisms.

Problems and Sources:

The main source of noise pollution is caused by humans. Major examples are honking on the roads, seasonal bursting of crackers, construction sites and heavy machinery usage in public areas.

Noise pollution can cause many hearing problems,sleeping problems,heart diseases,high blood pressure etc...We will got into details in the coming section on the harmful effects caused to humans and animals

Situation in India:

India’s major problem is unnecessary honking in streets and roads.Since its such a huge population crackers also cause a big amount of environmental and noise pollution.A study conducted by Ritesh Varma and group shows that vehicular traffic alone contributes to 55 percent of noise pollution in India.This includes honking speed etc.. India has faced major noise pollution because of the increase of vehicles and expansion of roads, industrialisation etc….Driving rashly not following traffic rules, impatience accelerating and braking suddenly also cause in the increase of horns.

Firecrackers make more sound than the decibel amount which more than ten thousand people use but yet nobody does anything about this because some people don't know the harm it causes and some people choose to ignore it. Firecrackers cause all types of pollution such as air pollution and environmental pollution.

These crackers affect dogs and other animals since they cannot bear loud sounds.

As per the President of SPCA he says dogs and cats can only take 67 hz to 47khz,because of this firecrackers with low decibels hurt our pets and animals.


Honking should be controlled and no honking areas should be included. There should be  heavy fines levied  for unnecessary honking and the police along with the public have to be serious about these things.If extreme measures are needed I think horns should be removed from cars to control noise pollution. If there is a need to honk for emergency, a low decibel horn can be provided in all vehicles. Vehicle manufacturers should  include awareness and conscious honking classes to drivers of all vehicle sizes. Regarding the use of crackers, shops should not be allowed to sell crackers extensively to one person. Crackers should be used only with approvals and in a pre-approved and controlled environment.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Save and spend wisely- Kids

Today I am going to be talking about an interesting topic. So we all know about the banking products for adults such as credit cards debit cards, but do u guys know about the banking products for kids ?There are products for kids which I will now explain.

These are a few banking products for kids 

  • Custodial accounts- Since children are not allowed to have their own bank accounts this account will be managed by their guardians but it is owned by the child. The guardian/custodian is not allowed to withdraw money for their own purposes. Then when the child turns 18 the account will just be a usual account

  • Joint accounts - This is an account which is held by the child and the parent. Parents can put limits to teach their kids how to spend wisely. Money can be withdrawn both by parents and the kid

  • This one is known as prepaid debit card which helps your child spend wisely while it also doesn't have any interest

  • Trust funds- This is how it works the person who gives the money gets to decide the assets and everything and when that person dies his position is given to the heir

  • Education savings account- This account can be used to save money for your kid’s future studies it can be for college or even high school

In my opinion the education savings account and joint accounts are the best .You can save money for your child's future in the education savings account whereas in joint account you can have a mutual financial relationship with your child

Now I am going to talk about apps related to this topic

  • Saving Spree-This is an app recommend by everyone. In the practice sessions kids learn about wise money spending. They also explain concepts such as interest etc..

  • Celebrity calamity- This is an award winning app which features the spending of the kids favourite celebrities 

  • Renegade buddies- This is an app where the child lives an actual life of finance with shopping and things like that

  • Star bank adventure-This is an app which combines tricky questions as well as puzzles to improve the way kids spend

According to me all of the apps I have listed are really good since they are one in hundreds and many people have reviewed it.

Please leave ideas for what I should write about next.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Kids spending money on in - game purchases

 Kids as we know nowadays spend a lot of money on games, it might be under the parents will or without.For example there was an article where a 16 year old kid from punjab had spent about 16 lakh rupees from his father's bank account without his knowledge and in my opinion I would say it is pure addiction to PUBG. I don't play PUBG and the most I have spent on games is 400  rupees which I think is the most any minor is allowed to spend

I think to stop this, parents should not have their account details saved in any gadget, so the child can't access it and the other thing is parents should learn to say no to their child or else it will keep on going and it will never stop. Parents should set limits and what not so even if the kids cross or if they don't stick to it they know they have to stop and eventually will.

Other things parents  have to do is to explain what is wrong or right about spending money on game. If the child is playing on a PS4 or Nintendo they can set money limits by restricting the money spent in the console since both the consoles are very child friendly.


The bigger problem right now is since kids are in lockdown and schools are closed kids are focused more on video games than anything else to keep themselves occupied.This again leads to kids spending huge amounts of money for in-game purchases. Studies also show even if the parental lock is available only 1 in 5 parents use it. 

There is another option available called family suite which you have to pay for. Using this you can monitor your child’s activity and suppose they want to buy a game microsoft will ask you whether or not to allow it. You will also get all the apps like word,powerpoint etc.The family suite by microsoft gives you one TB storage in one drive so you can share files with your whole family.You can also set boundaries for the websites your child can visit.You can also see where your family members are so you can basically track them for safety issues.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Life In Lockdown

I personally think life has been very hard during this lockdown.For some people it might be boring, yes indeed i am bored as well but I understand that to control the situation we all have to stay home. I just sit at home playing games, reading books and doing chores. This is all I do and I yearn to go out, play football, visit friends but none of that is possible right now because of the strict lockdown. So in India we have red zones, green zones and orange zones. I am in a red zone(high cases) and I feel sad for the people who have covid-19 but also feel unlucky since all my friends are in green zones where there are not so many restrictions. I really hope this pandemic gets over soon because I'm bored out of my mind. The positive side is you get to go walking and do everything at your own time since there are no time limits. 

I think if people had listened to all the restrictions earlier this would have never become so serious and maybe would have gotten over more quickly and made the doctors' lives easier. Another thing which keeps me going is my school classes which happen online. This is indeed how I felt about this lockdown as a kid. I feel really bored and if anybody else feels the same you should go checkout top 100 kids blogs where there are a lot of blogs published. I know this since my blog has been included in this list and you should go check it out and its by feed spot which helps everyone succeed in writing blogs. I have given the link down below

The lockdown has taught me the importance of water and food. We start conserving water because of this lockdown or we would have never done it until there was water scarcity. The lockdown has taught us another major  thing which is since people don't get their salary they have to spend money wisely. The lockdown encouraged me to start writing blogs and enter blog competitions like this. I have also started doing a lot of exercises to keep my body fit since there are no P.E classes from school and playing with friends.

On the first few days it was fun for me since there is no school but this has been too long and I wished this never had happened. I kind of don't like school online classes because I don't understand much and they also ask us to write exams online. I had been going for online football classes and it was fun because it was different but it wasn't the same as playing in the ground with your friends. Another reason  I didn't like the school online classes was because you are not with your friends and it's not lively so I am bored  in most of the classes. I also started playing golf and taking online golf classes but I soon lost interest since it was supposed be an outdoor game like football and it just wasn't interesting to do online

I love the other online classes like webinars because  it is very interactive and interesting and at the same time fun. I would prefer more educational webinars like super learning more than school classes .I also have noticed that people become more lazy and addicted because of the lockdown and so I hope this ends soon. This has been my experience in the lockdown and how I feel about everything that is happening.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Bullies and Getting Bullied

Bullying is a major issue these days. It has not happened to me but  I have read a lot about it. Bullying is a major issue in all the countries and needs to be solved immediately. Kids can be bullied about their height, color, gender, etc.

As you know kids get bullied everyday so the parents and sometimes the school tries to stop this major crisis from happening. Sometimes people don't know what to do in these types of situations. So I will now list as many solutions as I know and have read about in the past


  1. We have to first understand and teach the kids the difference between bullying and teasing so that they know what to take for fun and what not to take for fun. The difference between teasing and bullying is that teasing is for fun where each other play with each other and is more like an April fools day. Bullying is when a person is physically or emotionally hurt suppose when he or she is  hit or judged.

  2. We should also make sure the kid knows how to stand up to bullies. They should learn to stand their ground and ignore the comments from the bully because he will stop once the bully knows he is not getting to you.

  3. You can coordinate with the school and contribute to stop bullying. The school can start a no bullying campaign and make posters all around the school saying no bullying which might then stop the bully or the school can take it to their parents or suspend the kid for a short time.

  4. Make sure your kid is kind to everyone so he is respected more often.

  5. The kid should also learn to open up to inform the school or their parents so they can stop getting bullied.

Now we are going to address an issue which is when your child is the bully. There can be many reasons for your child becoming a bully. It can be because he/she got bullied or wants attention or wants to be popular. To solve this:

  1. You should understand the reason he is bullying other kids and help him. You should talk to him about bullying and convince him

  2. You also have to be a role model to your own child and you can remind him or her that bullying is not necessary and it is wrong

  3. You should decide the consequences if the practice continues. An Example would be to take away privileges such as tv and any other gadgets.

Last but not the least a suggestion for parents would be getting to know your child's friends circle so you can check on your child to make sure he is ok. 

Now we come to the conclusion of this blog. I hope this has been helpful as usual and if you are facing any of these problems  please make sure to try any possible solutions to stop bullying once and for all. If you have any feedback or questions you can leave it down below in the comments section and I will be sure to check it

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Internet and Screen Addiction in Kids

Internet addiction is a big problem these days for kids. Addiction is a major issue in many countries especially for kids. Now, kids are addicted even more because of the unprecedented lockdown for months due to Covid-19 in all countries.

Kids are often addicted to Mobile phones and Tabs constantly watching YouTube, playing video games and many more.

A few suggestions from me being a 12 year old kid that may help both kids and parents during the lockdown are :

  1. Kids should attend any online classes of their interest which may range from learning new hobbies, new languages and can become proficient in their areas of interest.

  2. Parents allocating work like household chores including managing the monthly purchase of groceries. Rewarding the kids appropriately will help prevent restlessness and idling away and also  they will learn to do the chore responsibly.

  3. Another important aspect is implementing BREAKS. Having breaks after every 1 hour to slow down definitely helps and yes the breaks should be at least 30mins long.

  4. Parents sit down with the kids and plan their day around the kid’s day and set specific timings for different tasks.

  5. Last but not least is using parental lock to restrict their hours and what they are watching. This can also be used to monitor your kids in a daily basis

As we all are aware, it is very hard to control kids especially from the age of 6-18.If the addiction is not stopped at a young age there are many problems that will occur in the future. We all understand that it takes a long time to make good habits permanent, and it is also easier to do it at a young age. We have to remember to implement this process every single day to  stop addiction. We also know it will be very hard to control later on.

The internet is a very dangerous place especially for kids since when  they play games or use social media they can easily be convinced by strangers to chat or play with them which is another reason for addiction. It is a reason because they keep playing with strangers since they are very nice or good at the game.
The main issue is kids can be convinced or rather manipulated.

To conclude, I hope this has been helpful in some ways. These are my short and brief solutions. We will discuss more in detail in my next blog which will be about different problems kids are facing nowadays.

Blog on Noise Pollution

  Noise Pollution Introduction : What is noise pollution?Noise pollution is when unwanted sounds are created extensively throughout the wor...